In some circles, the fear of God's Name is so strong, they either don't dare say it, or if they're writing about Him, they won't even include all the letters. For instance, they will write G-d for God.
I have taken to watching a fair amount of youtube videos of preachers, musicians, speakers, etc., and there's an oddity that I have noticed lately. Either some of these people are simply speaking too quickly or they actually have a problem saying the Name of Jesus. Not to marginalize or simplify an awesome and complex Name, but His Name is pretty simple. It's "Jesus." Two syllables. Je. Sus. Jesus. I don't have to leave out a letter. In fact, He likes for me to say His Name when I'm talking to Him or telling someone else about Him. I like to say His Name, too, which is pretty funny when you consider the fact that when I finally accepted the ongoing invitation from Joyce and went to this ladies Bible study back in the 80s, I thought it odd that these women were all sitting around talking about Jesus like they knew Him or something. Like He was their...I don't know...friend! You see, I wasn't accustomed to hearing His Name often outside of my regular attendance at Sunday School and church. You just didn't say His Name in everyday speech.
Well, that was the day that I got saved. I'm not saying that I came to know Him all at once that day, but I was introduced to Him and realized that I was not right with God and that if I let Jesus into my life and let Him dispose of all my sins, this would make me right with God. I knew I wasn't right with Him and if this is what it would take to fix that, then I was going to do this thing. The study said that everyone is born a sinner and that sin separates us from God but that Jesus died to take away our sins if we would just accept that. Well, I did. Not to trivialize this most important decision I ever made, but for me it was like a business transaction. In business, you take facts and act on them accordingly. The facts were:
I was a sinner.
I was separated from God.
Jesus died to take away my sins.
Accepting that fact would make me right with God.
I wanted to be right with God.
The result was:
That day, I accepted that Jesus is my Savior from sin.
A bonus fact is that Jesus came back to life soon after He was buried and promised to come back for all of us Christians at a later date. It won't be long, considering the things He said would happen not long before His return are happening. Matthew 24 and other scriptures back this up.
It didn't take long for me to realize why these ladies were so free to say the Name of Jesus. They did know Him. He was their friend. After that first day, He was mine, too. It was easy to say His Name in the loving way that I had learned because I had also learned that He loves me unconditionally. Unconditionally. Are you grasping that?
So why is it so hard for some of these preachers and other people I'm listening to on youtube to say His Name correctly? I think there is a problem. Not sure what it is but I think there is a problem.
You're wondering why I think they're not saying His Name right, aren't you? Well, they all seem to not particularly like that middle "s" in His Name. Instead of saying "Jesus," they're saying "Je us." Je. Us. Je us. It's really odd.
Who does it? At times David Platt, for one. Francis Chan is another. And also this musician I listened to this morning...I think his name is David Keefe...who had a video that was about 15 minutes long and he was complaining about Christian music being so boring. He said that it all has the same beat and is not creative. I guess if he heard a hymn he'd just keel over on the spot. Here is the video. I didn't particularly like it. He had a problem saying "Jesus."
Here's one featuring Todd Friel of "Wretched Radio" when he was preaching to a public crowd. The woman in the video argued that he was being unkind in trying to get people to get saved. Right at the end she says, "Je us."
And how about unsaved people? How about this little girl? What hate has she been taught and by whom?
What do you think? Is it hard for you to say His Name? Not me. I like telling others about Him. Would you like to talk with me about Him?
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