Thursday, January 28, 2016

Entry #6 in the New Age Series

Today let's look at Neale Donald Walsch.

In this entry about him, he is quoted as saying, "The purpose of life is to recreate ourselves anew in the highest version of the grandest vision we ever had about ourselves..." This is in direct opposition to the Bible, which says our purpose is to bring glory to God. Isaiah 43:7

One quote attributed to him at  is, “There is no truth except the truth that exists within you.  Everything else is what someone is telling you.”  However, in John 14:6, Jesus says, "I am the way  and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me."

Another quote from that same website is, "The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it."  (Please feel free to do a search for any of the names I throw out at you. There is MUCH to be learned about them all and not nearly enough space here for all that information. I just want you to be aware of who they are in case you hear their names or read about them somewhere. Believe me, as we go along you'll see some very well known names.) Walsch is a New Age leader who has authored several books, one of which is "Conversations with God." In the beginning of the book, he thanks "my best friend, God," then Walsch's wife, Nancy, "on a somewhat different plane, though no less heavenly..." Do you see how he has equated his wife with God? Of course, that's because New Age folks believe that everyone is God.

He also thanks such "teachers" as Ellen DeGeneres, Anne Heche (who was her lover several years ago,) Jerry Jampolsky, Marianne Williamson, and Oprah Winfrey. More on Marianne and Oprah later.

In this book, Walsch also experiences automatic writing, an occult phenomenon in which a person writes but not under their own power. Their hand literally writes without the person's control of it. This is a way of channeling a spirit guide. We spoke earlier about channeling and how it is occult. The channeler is under Satanic influence and invites demonic activity. Of course, they don't refer to it as demonic. Sometimes they will even say they're channeling Jesus. Of course, this is never how Jesus works. Our relationship with Jesus is not occult. It can't be since the Bible tells us to stay away from anything occult. Again, a search will tell you much. Here's what Wikipedia says about it. (If you are one who has trouble trusting Wikipedia, please feel free to search other sites for information you deem more trustworthy.)

This site has many quotes by Walsch that are pretty "far out."  Compare them with scripture.  You'll find many of them are way off from what God really says.

More later! Stay tuned!

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