Friday, January 14, 2011

He Lived, Though

The perpetually robust gentleman laying in the hospital bed murmured thoughtfully, "You know...I guess...I thought I was invincible." A blood clot to the lung will make the strongest of folks take a step or two back and look hard at life, though. For over forty years he had escaped serious illness, and this was quite a shock to him...and her. "Get a pen and paper," he said with trembling lips and moist eyes.

"Oh, honey..."

"Please...just do it, okay?" His wife bit her lip and scrounged in her purse for his request. "My life insurance policy is in the safe..."


  1. This is my submission to for their 100 words challenge this week.

  2. Great visuals and evocative scene, really powerful!

  3. Very though-provoking. You never really do know when it's your time...

  4. June - this is a great visual. I've been in his position - yup, you covered the emotions. :)

  5. I cant imaging being in this situation, on either side. This really makes you think. I enjoyed it!

  6. I love her response that you portrayed.

  7. Thanks, all. You made some really good and helpful comments. June
